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The advantages of handheld fiber laser welding machine

LX Laser will launch a new product, handheld fiber laser welding machine, at the end of May, 2021.

What is handheld laser welding machine?

Handheld laser welding machine is the new generation of welding equipment. The working principle is to irradiate the high-energy laser beam directly on the material surface. Through the interaction between laser and the material, the weld will be formed after cooling down from material melting. With its unique advantages, handheld laser welding machine has subverted the traditional welding operation.

The advantages of handheld fiber laser welding machine

Advantages of handheld laser welding machine:

1. Specialized in thin metal sheet or tube welding (thickness within 4mm) with perfect welding effect, available to replace traditional argon gas welding machine or electric welding machine;

2. Portable with Light weight and small size, very convenient for outdoor welding operation;

3. With safety lock for operation, the welding light will only be activated by contacting metal material;

4. Easy operation and usage guidance, no need for long-term training to any workers;

5. Nice welding effect. The welding process is neat & continuous with no welding mark or spot. No need for any secondary process like polishing or patching;

6. Equipped with wire feeder & weld head auto-swinging function, low accuracy requirement for workpiece itself;

7. Equipped with separated type chiller, easy maintenance available, especially for oversea customers;

8. Low power consumption (within 5kw), bringing down operation cost;

9. Available for some thin workpiece cutting occasionally after setting adjustment.

The advantages of handheld fiber laser welding machine

Comparison of handheld laser welding machine and Argon gas welding machine:

1. Energy consumption: The hand-held laser welding machine can save about 80% ~ 90% of electric energy, and the processing cost can be reduced by about 30%.


2. Welding effect: Handheld welding machine has the advantages of high speed, no deformation on weldment, smooth & nice welding beam. It can realize precision welding on small parts. And the welding process will bring no pollution to working area.


3. Secondary process: Compared with traditional argon gas welding, handheld laser welding machine doesn’t need any secondary process on the welding beam, like polishing or patching, due to nice welding effect.


Applications of handheld laser welding machine:

It can realize 90 angle welding, plane welding, curved welding or other welding effect on thin metal sheets or tubes. It’s widely used in various industries, such as production of kitchen hardware, household products, furniture, doors & windows, art crafts, outdoor advertising and sanitary.

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  • Email: lx@lxcuttingmachine.com
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