Pipe cutting equipment upgrades and innovations are simple and straightforward. When you go to really do it, it is difficult to find out! Especially the innovation of laser pipe cutting machine, everyone thinks about innovation, but it is difficult, requires technology, and needs various attempts to locate.
When it is upgraded, it is not difficult. For example, if the existing equipment is upgraded and the backward production capacity is eliminated, the capacity increase means that the cost is reduced. For example, the conventional hardware factory uses the pipe cutting machine equipment as an ordinary pipe cutting machine as an example, and the 80 pipe 2MM thickness cutting time is 15 to 20 seconds or so, if the laser cutting machine can be cut in 3 seconds, the laser cutting machine capacity can be increased by 3 to 5 times, the full automation efficiency can be improved, the processing process can be reduced, and the most direct and significant result cost reduction can be achieved in one molding. Reduce labor. With the strict requirements of environmental protection, coolant has become a disease, and upgrading competitiveness is a must.